Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church Home

Pastor's Greeting Image

Pastor's Greeting

Greetings my good friends,
Welcome to Our Lady of Refuge, truly a place of refuge to whomever crosses its threshold.
All are welcome in the spirit and love of Jesus Christ. We try our best not to judge but encounter people where they are on the journey of life.
We challenge people to respect one another with dignity and love. We are a multi-ethnic community where equality is supreme. All of us are faithful Catholic Christians with a great devotion to the Mother of God, Mary Most Holy.
Why not browse through our website, get a feel for the parish and it's ministries through its many photos and videos.
I would be honored to meet you at Sunday Mass, please introduce yourself and let's connect.
Praying for you all in peace and reconciliation.

In the Peace of Christ,
Fr. David Loftus, Pastor
“Every time we use religion to draw a line to keep people out, Jesus is with the people on the other side of that line.”
- Hugh L. Hollowell

Recent News

Confirmation Retreat Featured Photo

Confirmation Retreat

The Confirmation retreat attended last weekend included sunrise meditation (dolphins seen each morning) and sunset meditation. Our teens also celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Adoration, thanks to Fr. David who spent most of Saturday with our candidates. Thanks to all of you who kept us in your prayers. It was a great step in our teens’ journey of faith.
Meet our OLR Star - Celeste Alfaro Featured Photo

Meet our OLR Star - Celeste Alfaro

Celeste Alfaro is in the 11th grade at St. Joseph High School and in the second year of her Confirmation process. She took first place in Singles Tennis at the USTA tournament. Congratulations Celeste! (We are featuring parishioners who have achieved in the areas of academics, arts, music, athletics, community service, and employment. Please send the name, a brief description, and a photo to [email protected].)

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