Confessions are Saturday 4-5:00 P.M. in the Garden of the School of Religious Education.
Entrance for parking is only from Stearns and exit is only to Los Coyotes Diagonal.
Masses in outdoor OLR Chapel -- No registration needed!
Weekend Mass times: SA 5:30, SU 8:00 and 10:00 (NO 11:30 Mass)
Daily Mass: 8 A.M. (M, T, W only)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament -- Wednesday, August 12 (7-8 P.M.)
Greetings parishioners,
Last Sunday’s outdoor Masses were outstanding; kudos to all involved in the preparations, a job well done. Thanks to all who attended Mass last weekend, a very spiritual moment as we encountered the God of Jesus Christ in the Word and the Holy Eucharist.
On Monday our school reopened with the faculty and staff attending planning sessions for the way forward. As you all know, things change from day to day, and our school needs to be ready and prepared for whatever we are asked to do. Mr. Green and his staff are super organized and there is a great spirit in the school’s faculty as they plan forward.
On Wednesday morning I celebrated Mass with school faculty and staff to kick off the year ahead, knowing the Lord is with us in any challenge we are given. Please pray for our parish school -- its parents and children, its future in these uncertain times, and all those focused on its success.
This is the first year for both Fr. Bill and me not returning home to Ireland on vacation. It’s a rather strange feeling because our trips home every year recharge our batteries for another year. This year is an exception due to the pandemic. Let us pray for normality in our lives once again.
A good friend of mine, Mary Richardson from Ventura, gifted the rectory a 12-piece setting of stoneware dishes. Until now we had no proper selection, just a mix of various dishes. Thank you, Mary, for your thoughtfulness towards Fr. Bill and me; we are so happy and grateful with this unexpected gift.
Justin, our seminarian at St. John’s Seminary, has just completed an intense month-long retreat. This past year he was on a parish internship at St. Anthony’s Parish in San Gabriel. If you see him around, please encourage him on his vocation. He returns to St. John’s soon for further studies.
Nick, our seminarian who is studying to become a Jesuit, is also doing very well, and both Fr. Bill and I are very proud of him. Please pray for both of these young men as they say Yes to Christ to follow Him as priests.
Let us all pray for vocations to the Priesthood and Religious life. Please encourage people to consider a vocation; sometimes all it needs is a simple invitation.
Hope to see you at Mass this weekend. If not, please watch on our website and check up all the other news.
In peace and love,
Fr. Gerard
Changes to outdoor Mass Procedures:
Hand Sanitizing: Please use the hand sanitizer before you sit down for Mass. Tables will have sanitizer for you to use. (Yes, we did notice sticky, wet hands when distributing Eucharist. It seemed like a good idea, but we learn from our mistakes.)
Social Distancing: (1) When you bring your own chairs, please place them 6 feet from canopy legs or chairs in place. We need a walking space around the area for the ushers. If you need distancing advice, please ask the ushers who will measure for you. (2) Also, please do not rearrange chairs under the canopies. The groupings are socially distanced, so please ask an usher if you have an issue. (3) Please do not leave your seat to receive Communion until instructed by an usher. We do not want long lines! Please help us to keep you and others safe.
Late Arrival at Mass: The parking gates are closed to autos when Mass begins. Please enter at either the pedestrian gate on Los Coyotes or through the small opening in the parking gate on Stearns. The pedestrian gate close to the rectory will be locked when Mass begins.
Parish support: Thank you for your continuing financial support for the Parish. Your contributions keep us going. Faith Direct has blossomed to 213; only 37 more to reach our goal of 250. Thank you to parents who are using Faith Direct to pay SRE registration fees. When you send your donation for assisting with the purchase and set up of our tents, please make a notation on your check: tents or sound. If you make a one-time gift through Faith Direct, please add “tents or sound” to the notes box. Thank you to those who already made a contribution.
Baptisms will resume in Our Lady of Refuge Chapel (outdoors). Please call Shirl to make arrangements. (562-597-3102)
School of Religious Education: Registration continues. We are planning family-friendly religious education to bring you closer to one another and to God!
The 2020 Census will determine congressional representation, inform hundreds of billions in federal funding every year, and provide data that will impact communities for the next decade. Its results are also used to draw congressional and state legislative districts. If you have not already done so, please complete the census.
OLR Church Office (562) 498-6641 CLOSED phone and email checked regularly
5195 Stearns Street, Long Beach, CA 90815-2901
OLR website --
Betty Guevara, Parish Secretary -- [email protected]
Shirl Giacomi, Director of Religious Education -- [email protected]
(562) 597-3102 CLOSED phone and email checked regularly
Donnie Green, OLRS Interim Principal – [email protected]
OLR Catholic School -- (562) 597-0819
5210 E. Los Coyotes Diagonal, Long Beach, CA 90815
Team Refuge -- Tony McKeon, Coordinator (949) 874-6097
Faith Direct -- or the app Faith Direct – eGiving for Churches
Realm -- (to access to your account) or the app Connect – our Church