Welcome Fr. David Loftus to Our Lady of Refuge


My name is David Loftus. I was born the eldest of six (five surviving) and raised in the West of Ireland in a small village where my parents and two of my siblings continue to make their home. I attended seminary in All Hallows College in Dublin and was ordained in 1994. My first assignment was at Beatitudes of Our Lord in La Mirada. From there I was afforded the opportunity to return to graduate school at Boston College. Upon returning to Los Angeles I have served at St. Francis of Assisi in Silverlake, the Office of Religious Education at the Archdiocese and Our Lady of Lourdes in Northridge. At this time, God brings me to Long Beach, where I greatly look forward to building on the work of Fr. Gerry here at Our Lady of Refuge. It will take some time for me to get to know this community and the people who form and shape it. And it will likely take some time too for this community of faith to come to know me. But I have confidence and trust in the God Who brings us together, and so I anticipate grace and blessing into the weeks, months and years ahead. I have already made you all part of my daily prayer intentions before God, and I invite you to please keep me in your prayers as I grow into this new role.




Fr. David